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Leon County Democrat Group

Public·38 members

Rezo Beavers
Rezo Beavers


Forms and functionsOver the more than 3000 years of pharaonic history, Egyptian artisans produced a dazzling variety of jewelry meant to be worn by the living and the dead, men and women, human and divine. Egyptian adornment decorated parts of the body from head to foot. Diadems, hairpins, and hair rings adorned the head. Earrings were popular in both stud and hoop styles. Collars, necklaces, and pendants adorned the necks of both men and women. Bracelets, armlets, and anklets could be worn on the arms and legs, and finger rings appeared in a variety of styles. Jewelry was often worn during life and then placed in the burial with the mummy after death.



Dress, Adornment, and the Body in the Hebrew Bible is the first monograph to treat dress and adornment in biblical literature in the English language. It moves beyond a description of these aspects of ancient life to encompass notions of interpersonal relationships and personhood that underpin practices of dress and adornment. Laura Quick explores the ramifications of body adornment in the biblical world, informed by a methodologically plural approach incorporating material culture alongside philology, textual exegesis, comparative evidence, and sociological models.Drawing upon and synthesizing insights from material culture and texts from across the eastern Mediterranean, the volume reconstructs the social meanings attached to the dressed body in biblical texts. It shows how body adornment can deepen understanding of attitudes towards the self in the ancient world. In Quick's reconstruction of ancient performances of the self, the body serves as the observed centre in which complex ideologies of identity, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and social status are articulated. The adornment of the body is thus an effective means of non-verbal communication, but one which at the same time is controlled by and dictated through normative social values. Exploring dress, adornment, and the body can therefore open up hitherto unexplored perspectives on these social values in the ancient world, an essential missing piece in understanding the social and cultural world which shaped the Hebrew Bible.

"This study of clothing and adornment, as elements of material culture, affords a fresh opportunity to illuminate conceptions of human embodiment" - Sandra Jacobs, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament

Hair adornments such as beads are now legal in high school volleyball as long as they are securely fastened and do not endanger other players. This rule change, along with eliminating manufacturer reference size and quantity restrictions on uniform bottom waistbands, headline new rules adopted for the 2022-23 season.

DRESS: Graduates are reminded that Baccalaureate and Commencement are joyous but dignified occasions during which family members and friends manifest justifiable pride in their graduates. They preserve the occasion through video recordings and still photographs that become part of family histories. Graduates are expected to dress appropriately. While cool clothing and low-heeled, comfortable shoes are advisable, informal clothing and footwear (e.g., shorts, athletic shoes, rubber sandals) are not consistent with the spirit of graduation ceremonies. CAP AND GOWN: The University's policy is that no "props" may be carried and that no unapproved adornment is worn on the graduating senior's cap or gown. Adornments must be approved by University Marshal Julie Woodzicka.

University-sponsored or recognized student organizations may apply to the University Marshal for permission to wear adornments such as pins, cords, or stoles at the Commencement exercises. Adornments may not contain words (other than the name of the organization) or phrases. Letters are permitted only if they are representing the name / acronym of social or academic organizations currently recognized by the University. Images (coat of arms, photos, organization logos, etc.) are not permitted. Petitions for approval should be directed to the University Marshal prior to March 1.

Please click on this link to seek approval of adornments: Note that only ONE representative of an organization (usually the President or Vice-President) should seek approval for the entire organization's adornments. The submission form will ask for the name of the student organization, the type of adornment (e.g., cords, stoles), a short description of how students will receive the regalia, a link to photos of the adornment and the adornment being worn, and a short description of the significance of the adornment.

Graduates who appear at the undergraduate Baccalaureate or law or undergraduate Commencement lineup with unapproved adornment will be asked by student or faculty marshals to remove it. The University Marshal has the authority to prevent anyone in unapproved adornment from processing. 041b061a72


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